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Helping the Stars Guide You Home

"Discovering yourself provides you with all you are, were meant to be, and all you are living from and for."

- Carl Jung


Deeply understanding my soul as encoded in my birth chart was a life-changing, alchemical process. For the first time, I could understand all of the disparate parts of myself and how they fit together in a holistic, perfect whole.

Living with astrology as a guide is like meditating on a map of your soul and understanding the deeper reason why everything has and is happening to you, and for you. It instills an utter self-understanding and an unshakeable trust in the destined unfolding and guidance of your life.

It is my joy to share the intelligence of the stars with you so that, you too, can walk this potent, soul-alchemizing path.

Astrology is Alchemy for the Soul

xo, Rose


"Doing a session with Rose allowed me to see astrology in an entirely different light. It was like stepping into a portal of magic where I could sit down with my own soul. Rose was like the portal herself as she guided me to have a conversation with my innermost being."

- Chiara E.

"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you."

- Dane Rudhyar


Hello! I'm Rose

I'm a professional astrologer living in Ontario, Canada. I remain firmly rooted in the Hellenistic tradition, developed over 2000 years ago in the Mediterranean region, while intelligently weaving in modern psychological and archetypal astrology.

I'm passionate about working with the stars to provide a potent vessel for your deep self-understanding and healing.


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Website Designed by Rose Potts

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