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My Journey With Astrology

My fascination with astrology began at six years old when, out shopping with my mom, I saw sun sign descriptions printed on coffee mugs at Giant Tiger. My curiosity was piqued, but even then, I sensed something was missing. The qualities of each sign felt too rigid and limiting.


It wasn't until my mid-twenties, when I discovered Hellenistic astrology, that I began to find answers to my suspicion that there was much more to this story.


Hellenistic astrology originated over 2,000 years ago in the Mediterranean region. This complex system of symbolic logic combined Hermetic Philosophy and Platonism with the pre-existing Babylonian and Egyptian astrological traditions, in order to use the positions of stars at the time of one's birth to reveal character, temperament, karmic patterns, and the unfolding of life events. It serves as the original foundation of modern Western astrology.


In my practice, I emphasize the Hellenistic tradition, while also incorporating modern psychological archetypes and elements like the outer planets.


My primary teacher has been Adam Elenbaas, with whom I've completed four programs over three years, including advanced studies. I have also delved into Robert Schmidt's archives, the man who revived Hellenistic astrology for the modern world, studied astrological archetypes with Renn Butler, and taken courses with many other teachers.


Returning Home

I grew up in rural Ontario, with a 100 acres of forest to call my backyard. I spent most of my time barefoot, immersed in nature, listening, and weaving stories as they appeared to me through the whispers of the wind.


My childhood was marked by a vivid imagination and a deep connection to Spirit, allowing me to tap into a world beyond the ordinary. I was free-spirited, in tune with my inner nature, and always seeking deeper truths.

Growing up as a highly sensitive empath, I faced many challenges and spent much of my teens and early twenties feeling lost in darkness.


My journey of studying: psychology, mythology, Jungian archetypes, yoga, breathwork, shamanism, bhakti, and other spiritual practices, along with a period of living as a nomad, helped me find my way back home. When I discovered Hellenistic astrology, it felt like the missing puzzle piece of self-understanding finally clicking into place.


Learning Astrology was a pivotal step on my journey home.

Which is why it became my favourite tool for client work.


Understanding my birth chart felt like sitting down with Spirit as a map of my soul was laid out in front of me, and one epiphany after another was given and understood - why I am the way I am, the origins of my life's challenges, and how they can be overcome. Astrology was the key that unlocked my return back to my deeper self and into my new life.



The Work I Do


My aim in readings is to provide insights that are truthful and inspirational. I don't sugarcoat; I reveal both strengths and challenges, offering insights into overcoming struggles with compassion and upliftment. 


My Goal is to Help You:


- Gain clarity about your life

- See yourself in a new light

- Understand your innate gifts and talents

- Recognize what makes you uniquely you

- Identify what's been holding you back

- Learn how to shift unhelpful patterns 


We'll also explore transits and other timing techniques to: understand upcoming karmic weather patterns in your life, know the right time to take certain actions, and gain insight into past experiences.


- A deep understanding of the craft

- A honed ability to interpret the symbolic language and weave the stories of the stars

- Effective communication to clearly convey what I'm interpreting

- Space-holding skills, deep listening, and compassion


The birth chart is a profound map of one's soul, karmic field, and manifold destined outcomes. 

I approach readings with the seriousness they deserve, and continually work on refining my skills.

As an Astrologer, I bring:

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me



I hope what I've shared has helped you understand who I am, where I'm coming from, and where I'm heading.


If you’d like to know more, you can visit the FAQs.


"Rose is a very intuitive and emotionally attuned being. My session with her was so helpful for deepening my self understanding and the release of self judgement, as a result. I felt met exactly where I am at and left the session feeling held & empowered."


- Mahaya S.

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