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The Paradigm Shift of Saturn in Pisces

Saturn moves into Pisces today, March 7, where he will stay until May 2025. Since December of 2017, Saturn has been moving through Capricorn and Aquarius. This is important because Saturn rules these signs. When Saturn moves into Pisces today, it will be the first time in over five years that Saturn is not in a Saturn ruled sign, he will instead be in a Jupiter ruled sign. That is why I titled this post "The Paradigm Shift of Saturn in Pisces," because it is indeed a huge paradigm shift for Saturn's energy, and even those who aren't cued into the planetary movements, are likely to feel it.

Saturn often gets a bad rep. He's the planet of restriction, he negates, he says no, he causes hardship and melancholy and reminds us that we are bound by limited time and resources. When Saturn is in Saturn-ruled signs, he essentially takes on his most Saturn-like expression. So all of these generally challenging qualities are more strongly felt by the collective. I'm sure you can agree that we've all had some pretty intense Saturnian restrictions in our lives these past few years.

Now that Saturn is in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Pisces, the heaviness of his Saturn energy gets turned down. In many ways, Jupiter is Saturn's opposite. Where Saturn represents death and decay, Jupiter brings unity and new life. Where Saturn brings melancholy, Jupiter brings optimism. Where Saturn brings restrictions, Jupiter brings good luck and grand visions. After the pressure-cooker of the past few years, I think we're all due for some Jupiterian optimism and good fortune. Now, Saturn is still Saturn, he just has to learn to express himself differently in this Jupiter ruled place.

To go deeper into specifically what it means that Saturn is in Pisces, we need to look at the symbolism of Pisces, as derived from the season of the year it falls into. If you live in the northern hemisphere and experience winters, I'm sure you're pretty familiar with Pisces season. It's the time of winter thaw, when the days are visibly longer, the sun is warmer, and we see wild swings in temperature - one day, it's 15°C and the next day it's below 0°C. During Pisces season, there is a hope and optimism in the air that the end of winter is near and spring is on it's way. We're so close to the spring equinox at the start of Aries, that we can taste it. So, Pisces has a lot to do with the energy of coming out of a long, dark winter, and the feeling of spring just around the corner.

In this way, Saturn moving into Pisces, can represent a turning point, a release of the old, and making way for renewal. As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces is a symbolic ending. Pisces is like the end of the moon cycle, the dark moon right before the new - it is a very yin-like space. It's a time to reflect on the last 29 or so years of Saturn's journey through the zodiac (if you've lived that long), and to clear the ground in preparation for planting new seeds when Saturn enters Aries, where we will be taken with the fire and passion of initiating new things in our lives.

Saturn in Pisces is a reflective space, a space that is about entering into one's imagination, and making time for things that renew and replenish oneself. Saturn in Pisces is about entering into the deep waters of our psyches. That could look many ways. For me, it's often by writing fiction that I dive into, and am replenished by, the deep waters of my psyche. For others, it could be art, dancing, reading, playing an instrument - anything that feels soul-led and drops you into an intuitive space.

Saturn, the planet associated with structure, can seem a bit contradictory in this watery space. But, I think Saturn can be beautiful medicine for Pisces, because if anything, Pisces could do with a bit of containment. We can see Saturn as the boat we create in order to sail out onto the ocean of our soul, or in other words, how can we create structure in connecting with our souls? Maybe that looks like putting soul-replenishing practices into our schedules. Maybe that means creating solid rhythms of soul-renewal in our lives.

As Saturn moves into Pisces, ask yourself:

- In what ways can I let the wintery parts of my life thaw out?

- How can I create structure for soul-replenishing practices in my life?

- How can I work with my imagination to prepare the garden of my life for the new seeds to come?

- What practices can I do consistently to deepen my self-reflection?

- In what areas of my life can I soften my tendency to hold back, restrain or make smaller, in order to make room for enrichment, enlargement, and new life?

- How can I go within and explore the depths of my internal world?

- Rose

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