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"Rose is dedicated, kind, and a really good space holder. She was able to pinpoint the places where I was struggling, where I needed to grow, and what I needed to do to grow in those areas. After the session, I felt I had a lot more clarity about who I was and where I was going."


- Martin T.

Do You Feel Overwhelmed By...

- A lack of direction
- Uncertainty about your current situation
- Recurring negative patterns
- Wondering about your purpose
- Anxiety about the future
- Seeking guidance from Spirit


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Are You Ready to Sit Down With a Map of Your Soul?

Gain Insight Into...

- Your Soul's blueprint
- Your destiny path
- The significance of past events
- Future directions
- Overcoming recurring negative patterns
- Breaking free from what's holding you back
- Navigating upcoming events
- Right timing for important actions
- Working with Spirit and trusting your life's unfolding



"Rose could discern the details and depths of my birth chart in a palpable and clear language that was easy to grasp for an amateur like me. So many details of this reading felt like an epiphany, reminding me to trust my intuition and making me realize that sometimes adversity comes with a greater purpose." 


- Teff R.

How the Reading Works...

- Readings are conducted live via Zoom
- Upon booking, provide your date, time, and location of birth
- Share any specific topics or questions you want to explore
- Receive a confirmation email with the zoom link for our session
- After our reading, you'll get a recording of the session and a copy of your birth chart for future reference


"Rose is a very intuitive and emotionally attuned being. My session with her was so helpful for deepening my self understanding and the release of self judgement, as a result. I felt met exactly where I am at and left the session feeling held & empowered."


- Mahaya S.

Book a reading

Readings with Rose

All readings are conducted live via Zoom

"Doing a session with Rose allowed me to see astrology in an entirely different light. It was like stepping into a portal of magic where I could sit down with my own soul. Rose was like the portal herself as she guided me to have a conversation with my innermost being."


- Chiara E.

"Rose's insightful and thorough reading was instrumental in helping me feel more secure and grounded in my journey - what has been, what is now, and what is to come. She has done the work to be a deeply knowledgeable astrologer who roots herself in Hellenistic astrology...Her approach is intelligent, supportive, and feels spiritually nourishing for anyone who is looking for some solace in the stars."


- Genevieve C.

Hello! I'm Rose

I'm a professional astrologer living in Ontario, Canada. I remain firmly rooted in the Hellenistic tradition, developed over 2000 years ago in the Mediterranean region, while intelligently weaving in modern psychological astrology.

I'm passionate about working with the stars to provide a potent vessel for your deep self-understanding and healing.


Frequently Asked Questions

"One thing I really appreciate about Rose is the way she holds space. We touched on some very deep themes in our session, and I felt completely safe to let my emotional experience flow through me because I really felt her support. You can feel confident about placing your trust in Rose’s very capable hands!"


- Erik S.

Ready to Get Started?

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